Category Archives: Healthy Food Choices


An Unhealthy and Fattening Diet – Resveratrol Can Help

Foods rich with sauce and lots of butter and cream and pastries sweet with powdered sugar and having a texture that melts in your mouth. The French get to enjoy such a diet that many here in the United States would consider as an unhealthy and fattening diet. How can this be?

Many Americans think that eating like that would lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol and/or high blood sugar. Well it does but why don’t the French suffer from these conditions? The French have way lower rates of Heart Disease than any other country in the world despite their fattening diet. With the type of foods they consume, why are they not developing these same health conditions that we here in the United States experience?


FRANCE IS #1, THE U.S. #38

France, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), is the healthiest country in the world with Italy being in 2nd place. The United States is ranked in 38th place.


The WHO ranks 191 member countries based on their health systems and yes, France is #1, Italy is #2 and the U.S. is #38. All of Europe is ahead of the U.S. and so is Canada, much of the Middle East and some of South America.


But how can France be #1 with that high fat diet? It is because of what has come to be known as the French Paradox. What is that? It has been known for quite some time and research has resurfaced again a few years ago, that Resveratrol which is found in Red Wine has a protective effect against the dangers of a high fat diet. Red wine, not white wine or rose wine, only Red Wine.

The French drink a lot of red wine and pretty much every day. I also know the Italians drink a lot too. I remember staying with family in Italy and at every Lunch and Dinner there was always a bottle or two of red wine on the table. Everyone was drinking it, even some of the children, just not as much as the adults.


Resveratrol is a potent, naturally occurring, phytonutrient, antioxidant compound that is found in high concentration in the skin of Red Grapes. Resveratrol can also be found in smaller amounts in other foods such as Peanuts, Blueberries, Cranberries, and in Dark Chocolate (not milk chocolate, which is actually not healthy). However the most abundant source of Resveratrol can be found in the root of the plant known as Japanese knotwood (Polygonum Cuspidatum), which is the Resveratrol that is used in all of the supplements sold.

Most of the excitement around Resveratrol comes from its chemical makeup and its effects on Sirtuin enzymes in the body. These particular enzymes play many different roles in overall health and longevity. Sirtuin enzymes create DNA repair while maintaining genome stability. They also reduce inflammation and protects against oxidative stress, which is why Resveratrol is an antioxidant.



It has been known since the 1930s that calorie restriction reduces age-related diseases and increases lifespan which happens because this will turn on Sirtuin enzymes. Resveratrol does exactly the same thing, even if you are eating a high fat diet like the French.

Being that Resveratrol can turn on Sirtuin enzymes, along with its antioxidant properties, it has huge health benefits to the body. Resveratrol reduces the risk of cataracts, kidney dysfunction, inflammatory bowel disease, strokes, heart attacks, bone degeneration, memory loss, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Resveratrol protects against metabolic syndrome, increases insulin sensitivity, improves the function of your lungs, stimulates fat burning, increases exercise endurance, and stops fat storage. Resveratrol also helps with type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

Yes all of those benefits of Resveratrol are impressive and explains why the French are the healthiest nation in the world despite their high fat diet, aka the French Paradox. However Resveratrol has been discovered lately to be extremely beneficial against many types of cancer including colon, lung, stomach, esophagus, liver, pancreas, breast, ovary, cervix, prostate, skin, thyroid, melanoma, leukemia, and lymphoma.



But before you go out and buy bushels of red grapes and cases of red wine just know that if you have any of the above health issues, starting to eat red grapes and drink red wine now will not give you much of a protective benefit. That being said you should still start consuming them but make sure you do it for almost every meal you have. The benefits of Resveratrol come from a cumulative buildup of Resveratrol in the body which explains the health benefits of drinking red wine for almost every meal from such a young age in both France and Italy.

In order to get quick health benefits of Resveratrol you must take supplements while increasing your consumption of red grapes and red wine. If you should get to the point where you are eating red grapes and drinking red wine every day, then you could stop taking the supplements if you want.

If you have any questions or comments on Resveratrol as well as to where to buy it or what is the best way to consume it, leave your questions below in the comments section and I will get right back to you.

Natural Home Remedies As Medicine – Cures From Your Kitchen

Have you ever realized that whenever you have a party or get together at your home with a bunch of people that there is always a group of people that end up hanging out in the kitchen? What is it about the kitchen that makes people want to hang out there? It could be a lot of reasons. You are closer to the beer or wine in the refrigerator, closer to the food and munchies or maybe you like that close quarters feeling of being able to talk to someone without yelling at them from across the room.


Have you realized that the kitchen is more than just a place to prepare and cook your meals? It is the room in our homes that give us nourishment to survive and thrive. But did you also know that it is the room that provides the best natural home remedies as medicine that we need to stay healthy? Hippocrates, often called the father of western medicine said “let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food.” He also said “to do no harm.” Yet modern western medicine totally disregards anything that Hippocrates has said. So why call him the father of western medicine because I’m sure he is rolling over in his grave at what western medicine has become.

That being said you need to adhere to what Hippocrates has said and let “food be thy medicine” because food and natural substances have powerful and effective and SAFE healing properties. Let me tell you of several that have been scientifically proven to work wonders WITHOUT any negative side effects. Many of these I have either tried myself or know of family and friends who have.


There have been many medical studies that have shown that taking 1-3 grams of cinnamon a day will decrease blood sugar levels by 10-29%. Cinnamon also helps to reduce cholesterol and inflammation as well as regulate blood pressure. As stated by Dr. Julian Whitaker MD in his December 2010 newsletter of Health & Healing, “Because compounds in the saliva can break down the active ingredients in cinnamon, I suggest that rather than eating it by the spoonful you add it to coffee or tea before brewing. Mixing it with hot water also helps eliminate some of the undesirable compounds found in whole cinnamon. Aim for a quarter to a half teaspoon two or three times a day.” – I personally add a half teaspoon to my cold or hot cereal in the morning.

As for vinegar, it also helps to regulate blood sugar control. It works by blocking the uptake of carbohydrates and especially works great when taken with a high glycemic meal which is bad for those with Diabetes. To help keep blood sugar normal, especially when you eat more sugary foods than you should, take two tablespoons of vinegar mixed with 8 ounces of water and some Stevia or Xylitol for sweetness before or with a meal or add it to a salad. Any vinegar will do but the best option is an organic Apple Cider Vinegar.


I have mentioned a couple of places on this website that Low Sodium V8 Juice is an excellent way to keep blood pressure in the normal range. The reason for this is not just because it contains 8 different healthy vegetables but because it is high in potassium. An 8 ounce glass of low sodium V8 juice contains 840 mg of potassium and other nutrients like magnesium that help to lower blood pressure.

Celery like V8 also contains a lot of potassium which relaxes the arteries and brings down blood pressure. In order to get the benefits from celery you would have to eat a one pound bag of it every other day. I don’t know about you but that is way too much celery for me to eat. So again, the best and easiest way to consume a vegetable like celery is to juice it.

If you are not into eating or juicing your vegetables then try Hibiscus Tea. This tea has the power to reduce your blood pressure just as well as any high blood pressure medication but without any of the negative side effects. Three cups of Hibiscus Tea a day does wonders for your high blood pressure. If you combine that with an 8 ounce glass of Low Sodium V8 or 1 pound of Celery, you can forget about any high blood pressure medication.


Berries are a powerhouse of benefits. Not only do berries, especially cranberries, increase immune system strength and protect against many types of bacteria but they also can prevent and treat urinary tract infections. Blueberries have a unique protective effect on the brain. A placebo controlled study in 2010 discovered that older people who drank 2 and a half cups of blueberry juice every day for three months had an increase in improvements on tests of memory and learning. These blueberry juice drinkers also had lower rates of depression, more energy and better glucose control.


No matter what problems you have with your stomach ginger and prunes can cure what makes you feel ill. For nausea it’s ginger to the rescue. I remember as a kid my dad used to give us kids ginger ale or a ginger iced tea when we had an upset stomach. Ginger is good for easing the queasiness caused by pretty much everything from the stomach flu and seasickness to morning sickness and the bad effects of chemotherapy.

If you are constipated a time tested cure is still what was given to me as a kid, prunes and/or prune juice. Eight ounces of prune juice every day will help quite a bit with your problem, so will a handful of dried plums. Another great food for constipation as well as lowering cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar is ground flaxseed. I mentioned the benefits of ground flaxseed in an earlier blog post. A quarter cup of ground flaxseed a day will do wonders for your health.

If you have gas try chewing on some fennel seeds after a meal or make a tea with them. You can get fennel seeds at any grocery store in the spice isle. Fennel seeds are also good at getting rid of indigestion.


Coffee can boost your energy levels by making you more alert and focused. Coffee can even give you an endurance boost during exercise. If you have a headache coffee can also help by reducing the pain but if you drink coffee every morning, missing your morning cup can also cause a headache. NOTE: All of these benefits of coffee only pertain to black coffee and not coffee with milk and/or cream. Adding dairy to coffee negates many of its health benefits. The caffeine in coffee can also help to relieve an asthma attack because it is similar in chemical makeup to theophylline which is a drug that relaxes your airways. The caffeine in coffee should never be a replacement for asthma inhalers but it’s good to use if you have an asthma attack and do not have an inhaler available.


Yes you read that right. Healing a cut, scrape or an open wound with table sugar or honey has been used quite successfully for centuries. Both sugar and honey create what is known as a hyperosmotic environment and all bacteria cannot survive in such an environment. So because of this wounds heal quite quickly and usually without any scarring.

To use sugar and honey for an open wound, pack the wound with sugar or honey, cover with gauze and wrap with a bandage. Every three days remove the bandage and gauze, thoroughly clean out the wound with water and reapply the sugar or honey, gauze and bandage again. My doctor has used this technique on himself and with his kids, I even tried it twice and I would say that using sugar is better because it wasn’t as messy or sticky like the honey was, but they both worked great. Sugar or honey can also be used for burns.


Aloe Vera is good for burns. If you have an Aloe Vera plant just break off a leaf, squeeze out the gel and apply it to the burns as needed.
Eating pitted cherries will relieve the pain and inflammation of gout.
Cayenne pepper sprinkled in soup or a drink will clear a stuffy nose. You can also dab it on a minor cut to stop the bleeding
Baking soda can be used to get rid of kidney disease.
Using a banana peel on warts will help to get rid of the wart.
Drinking fresh carrot juice once every day will help to keep your skin from getting wrinkles.
Eating tomato paste is a natural sunscreen that protects your skin from the inside out. It also helps to fight cancer of the prostate.
Broccoli is high in vitamin C and is the strongest of the cruciferous vegetables at fighting cancer.

And there are many more cures from natural wonders that may be lurking somewhere in your kitchen. You have to remember that all of these natural cures have been used quite successfully for hundreds of years. Just because the pharmaceutical industry now dominates most all of our health care system doesn’t mean that all of these natural cures do not work anymore. They still work great and in most cases work better and safer than the expensive and most times dangerous drug solutions. Many times drugs have a host of negative side effects. Cures from Mother Nature only have positive side effects.

With all of the many natural cures available that I didn’t list here, I really would like to know about more. So if you know of more “cures from your kitchen” that you can share with all of us, please leave them in the comments section below. Also share this post because most people would like to know these simple yet safe and effective remedies and cures that could save them a trip to the doctor.

What is Turmeric? – The Spice of Life and Great Health

The use of herbs in cooking and as medicine dates back more than 1000 years and it’s still as delicious and effective today. One of the many types of herbs that scientists have been studying a lot lately for a wide range of health benefits is turmeric. What is turmeric? Well it is the spice that gives curry its deep yellow color and contains curcumin.

Curcumin (Curcuma longa) comes from turmeric and can be found in great abundance in India, where the majority of the world’s supply is produced. Turmeric is a potent antioxidant in addition to being a major ingredient in Indian cuisine. Turmeric is also used quite extensively in some of the foods of the Caribbean and Jamaica. Any food item that has curry has turmeric and it is widely available at any supermarket. It is truly a great natural medicine that can be found in some kitchen cabinets, it is definitely in mine because I like to use it when I cook..


Photo by jeffreyw


India has a population of well over a billion people, which is more than 3 times the population of the United States. In India Alzheimer’s disease is practically nonexistent yet in the U.S. it affects half of Americans over the age of 80. In fact India has the lowest rates of Alzheimer’s disease anywhere in the world. What is the major difference about their diet than any other place in the world? They consume the most turmeric/curcumin. Curry is used in practically every food and in some drinks as well.


There have been several scientific studies done on curcumin that have shown that it is very powerful at reducing inflammation. Whenever you experience pain in the body there is always some form of inflammation present . Inflammation is the body’s way of protecting a damaged area until healing is completed. Unfortunately inflammation can get out of hand and when there is too much inflammation in the body it can lead to many bad things. It is already known that a buildup of inflammation compounds in the brain will contribute to causes of Alzheimer’s disease.

Personally I can definitely say that whenever I have any type of pain, all I have to do is eat a spicy Indian (or Jamaican or Thai) curried dish and the pain goes away. This works for me every time. Fortunately I love spicy foods but if you don’t you can still enjoy the benefits of curried foods by taking turmeric supplements. By taking turmeric supplements every day you can help to reduce the pain of sore muscles and joints and avoid taking pain NSAID medications which all have negative side effects.



Since curcumin is known to have powerful anti-inflammatory properties, researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles conducted a study to see if it could give the same anti-Alzheimer’s benefits that NSAIDs give but without the negative side effects of gastrointestinal, liver, and kidney damage.

Middle-aged and older mice were fed either a standard diet or a standard diet that also contained curcumin for six months. Then all mice were injected with amyloid, which is a protein in the brain associated with Alzheimer’s disease. The mice fed the standard diet with the curcumin scored higher in maze-based memory tests and didn’t show any signs of Alzheimer’s disease.

At the end of the study when biopsies were done on the mice fed the diet with curcumin, it was found that they not only had significantly less amyloid but also other forms of inflammation in the brain. They also had significantly less oxidative damage which was caused by curcunin’s powerful antioxidant qualities,


Curcumin from turmeric has a wide range of “Anti” benefits. It is an anti-inflammatory, an antioxidant, an antitumoral (inhibits the formation of tumors), an antimicrobial, an antihepototoxic (protection of the liver and helps in detoxification), an antihyperlipidemic (reduces cholesterol buildup), and an anticoagulant.

That is a lot of “Anti” powers from a spice that is very cheap in price and is widely available. I normally take Turmeric/Curcumin capsules every day, except when I have a curried dish at lunch or dinner, during the cold and flu months. Being a potent antioxidant and an antihepototoxic it strengthens the immune system and gives support to the liver which also plays a key role in protecting and curing us of cold and flu viruses. I can get a 2 month’s supply for only $19. That’s not that bad of a price for 60 days, especially when you consider all of the “Anti” benefits it has.



A good friend of mine, Bill, told me that his wife always complained about his cold feet, a problem he admits that he has. So I told him he should try turmeric/circumin capsules and he was like, okay, maybe I’ll try that. When I heard that I knew he wasn’t going to try it. So the next time we got together for dinner I suggested that we go and have some Indian food. His wife was very happy with my suggestion because she loves Indian food.

Bill had never had Indian food but was willing to try it, especially since he now had two people wanting to go and have Indian food. Well his wife and I helped him to order a curried dish that wasn’t that spicy but still had a fair amount of curry. Bill loved the taste of it and surprisingly ate it all. He almost licked the plate clean.

Then when his wife got up to go to the restroom he said to me, guess what? I was like, what? He said my feet feel warm. I could actually feel them getting warmer towards the end of the meal. I said to him, I bet you did because you just consumed a lot of turmeric and curcumin. I again told him that curcumin has been shown to improve blood flow. Bill said he definitely was going to try those turmeric/curcumin supplements I had suggested to him. Now he and his wife are happy that he no longer has cold feet.

If you have had any similar experiences, if you like curried food, if you have any questions, please leave them below. I would love to hear about it and will reply back to you.

Lower Cholesterol and Boost the Immune System


After hearing and reading all of the ways ground flaxseed can help the cardiovascular system as well as strengthen the immune system, I had to try it out for myself. While at my doctors one day I asked him, where can I buy ground flaxseed? He replied, practically anywhere that sells healthy foods or you can get it online. So I purchased some and I LOVE IT!

After 26 going on 27 years of avoiding all kinds of prescription medications, I have come to know how great Mother Nature’s own medicines can be. One of my favorite healthy foods is ground or milled flaxseed. Because I am someone who always tries to eat as organic as I possibly can, I buy USDA organic ground/milled flaxseed.


Ground flaxseed has many benefits which include helping to keep your cholesterol levels in the normal range as well as your blood pressure and blood sugar levels. It also boosts the strength of your immune system by killing free radicals before they can damage healthy cells. The lignans in ground flaxseed are powerful free radical scavengers.

Other benefits include: support for healthy eyes, lubrication of your joints by reducing inflammation throughout the body, moisturizing the skin inside and out, support for weight loss, keeps you regular, and helps to sharpen your mind.


Flaxseed is Mother Nature’s most abundant source of essential fatty acids (EFAs). I’m sure you have heard of essential fatty acids before. One of the main reasons why Fish Oil is so good for the heart and cardiovascular system is because fish oil is rich in Omega-3 EFA. Well flaxseed also has omega-3 EFA but it also has the other two omega-6 and omega-9 EFAs.

I remember when I was little, and maybe you do too, my mother used to give me that nasty tasting Cod Liver Oil. Yuck! But cod liver oil is just one of the many different types of fish that fish oil comes from. I still take fish oil from time to time but I normally alternate between it and flaxseed oil.

However I prefer ground/milled flaxseed over flaxseed oil because the oil kind does not contain lignans which boost immune system strength nor does it contain fiber. Since I am always taking, drinking and eating things that boost my immune system during the fall and winter months I will always use ground flaxseed over flaxseed oil.


Another good reason to use ground flaxseed during the colder months is because of its fiber, which flaxseed oil does not have. Since most of us do not exercise as much during the colder months and tend to eat more, consuming the fiber in ground flaxseed will help to keep weight gain under control. The fiber in flaxseed helps to promote a sense of fullness to help curb over eating and appetite.


It is very easy to use. Just use a quarter cup every day. I like the taste of ground flaxseed. It has a mild but nutty flavor to it and I add it to many different types of foods. I sprinkle some in my morning cold or hot cereal, scrambled eggs or pancakes, and into yogurt or cottage cheese. I will also add it to any vegetable juice or smoothie, sprinkle it on top of vegetables or a salad, add it to soups, and meat or turkey loafs. I don’t think there is much that I haven’t tried adding it to except fruit juices, but maybe I’ll try that someday. One of my favorite juices to add it to is Low Sodium V8 Juice. See my Reviews page for the great heart health benefits of that mixture.



I buy my ground/milled organic flaxseed in vacuum sealed re-sealable bags. However I have found that the flaxseed will last longer and stay fresher if I store it in my refrigerator after opening it. This helps to preserve the beneficial omega EFAs and oils. If you buy whole flaxseed and only grind a quarter cup every day, then placing the non-ground flaxseed in the refrigerator is not necessary.

If you have any questions or comments about flaxseed or flaxseed oil, please leave them below in the comments section. I will get back to you with a response within 24 hours.

How to strengthen the immune system


There are many different natural protocols that I follow in order to avoid getting sick. The one most important protocol I was taught early on was to build up my defenses. What I want to discuss today is how to strengthen the immune system and tell you the natural ways I personally go about doing it.

I have learned that a vibrant and healthy immune system is extremely vital for over all good health. When strong it can prevent, and in some cases cure, things like the cold and flu, other viral infections and many types of autoimmune disorders. Without it you will eventually die. Not something I would ever want for myself or anyone else for that matter.

When you have a weak defensive posture you can get overrun in an attack. That may sound a little military-like but that is how I look at it. In order for a nation to have a strong defensive posture they have to have a strong military. So I equate the immune system with that of a nation’s military.


Anyone who knows me knows how I like to eat as much organic foods as possible. Organic fruits, vegetables, grains, grass fed free range meat, wild caught salmon, Sure it’s a little more expensive but I think I am worth it, besides it’s way more healthy than the conventional mass produced way. Think about it! “Farm Raised” fish? Do you go to a farm to go fishing? Those words should not be paired up with fish. Why would I want to eat that? So because of that and all the other unhealthy food choices available is one reason why I eat as organic as possible. When you put good foods into you, you really do feel better.


Eating healthy is just the tip of the iceberg. I also take a daily multiple vitamin and mineral supplement with dosages that are 2 to 3 times the RDA. People fail to understand that the RDAs do not promote vibrant health, they only prevent malnutrition. If you want a stronger immune system, then you need to take therapeutic amounts of certain nutrients. Don’t worry it is safe to take more than the RDA. This is not only scientifically proven true but it is what I have been doing for more than 27 years and with my doctor’s blessings.


But the one specific nutrient that I take in addition to my daily multiple and to eating organic is Vitamin D or more specific, Vitamin D3. I have been taking Vitamin D3 for about 11 years now and in that time I have never caught the flu without getting vaccinated. This doesn’t make me unique or special. There are hundreds of thousands of people all across America who don’t get the flu vaccine and still do not get the flu.

Medical science has proven that Vitamin D not only helps the body to absorb Calcium but it is vital to a strong immune system. It is good for so many other things that I do not have enough space here in this post to list them all. There have been many medical journal reports, books written, stories told – like I am doing – touting the benefits of vitamin D to overall good health and healing.

Antioxidants are the most powerful nutrients the body uses for a strong defense. Vitamin D is not actually a vitamin by definition, it is more like a hormone, but medical science calls it a vitamin so that is what I call it too. Vitamin D is just one of many antioxidants that I take and also consume through food to keep my defense strong and free from the flu. Like Hippocrates (the father of western medicine) said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

If you have any questions about how to strengthen the immune system, please leave them in the comments below. I will respond with an answer within 24 hours.